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Bob Harkins

Bob Harkins

We are sad to report that Bob Harkens passed away suddenly on January 3, 2023.

After graduating in the class of 1974, he worked for Air Co. which later became BOC, in Murray Hill, before retiring. Bob went back to work as a consultant for New York Life.  Between the two companies, he worked in accounting, finance, and later computer programing.

In his spare time, Robert enjoyed building model cars and Legos, especially anything Star Wars.  Reading and fishing were also among his hobbies.

Bob didn’t have it real easy, beginning when he broke his back as a teenager. But he did have a good life and a good family. He will be remembered as being one the more committed Tau Delt brothers.

Bob is survived by his wife Anne of 42 years; his daughter Emily; 6 sisters, a brother, 15 nieces and nephews and 11 great-nieces and nephews.

Bob, may you rest in peace.

Greg Renner

Greg Renner

We are sad to report the sudden loss of Greg Renner who succumbed to cancer on November 14, 2022.

Greg graduated in 1972 with a Bachelor in Business degree, later finishing his MBA.  After SHU, Greg spent his career with Xerox as a successful sales agent and manager.

Notre Dame football and Seton Hall basketball were his passions. Cooking and especially savoring good food were Greg’s favorite pastimes.

We’ll all remember Greg as a warm, fun-loving guy who was well liked by anyone who knew him.  We can vividly recall his booming voice at SHU b-ball games – “lousy call ref!”  And also remember playing tackle football on campus one Sunday afternoon during a snowstorm when Greg’s team won - because no one could freakin’ tackle him!

He is survived by his wife Pat (née Barone), brother Larry Renner, and four nephews.

"Otto", we will miss you.  Rest in peace.

Bruce's Big Adventure

Well, not news, but we travel back a few decades to see brother Bruce in action in service to our country.  They were risky days back then -- and this photo board captures it all.

Ella Grace 

Congratulations Bob and Ray

Congrats to Bob Marino and Ray Higgins  --  Bob's son, Rob Jr, and Ray's daughter, Kelly were married and gave birth to their new daughter.

And, of course, to their dads, who are proud new grandparents of Ella Grace, 7 lbs 6 oz. 

Considering her dual heritage, she's bound to be an awesome thumper player.

Reunion 2013

A reunion get together was held on Friday, March 22, 2013 at the Blackthorn’s Pub in Kenilworth, NJ. The turnout was our best since our 1980 reunion -- back when we were still young and foolish.  (We're no longer young.)   27 brothers attended the festivities, with some new faces we haven't seen at recent reunions -- Joe Cybulski, Bob Harkins, and Dennis Pedra made it to their first reunion in years.

Our thanks to Dave P for organizing this event.

And Dave finally figured out how to get the photos off the camera (he had his son do it), so check out the details and photos at the Reunion 2013 page.


Lou D'Andrea Retires

Congratulations to Lou on his retirement.

On December 31 2012, Lou has decided to pack it in and devote all his time to his golf game.  

Best of luck, Lou!

The Buckley's Retire

Jim and Nancy Buckley have retired and moved from their beloved New Jersey to the warmer climes of North Carolina in September 2012.  Our best wishes to the Buckley's.

A few of the Zeta Chi Rho sisters got together in July to bid farewell to Nancy.  As we had such close bonds with the sisters of Zeta back in our SHU days, we are delighted to capture the moment for the Tau Delt site.  Visit the Zeta Reunion link for a look at their recent get-together.

Jim Buckley

Congratulations to Jim and Nancy Buckley on their recent marriage.

No, this is not an old article. It's their second time.  Best of luck to the bride and groom.

Jim's name has been added to the Address List.

The Sunshine Boys Meet Again!

Another get-together by our resident brothers of the Sunshine State.  George and Lou enjoy the summer of 2011 and send regards from Florida.

Mini-Reunion 2011. 

After almost 40 years, brothers Lou and Bruce got together in May for a mini-reunion of their own in Florida.  And we managed to get a shot of this historic occasion.

Another brother finds us...

A couple of days after hearing from Bob Reilly in April 2009, another brother who many of us have not seen for quite some time, happened to be given Roger's business card.  He, in turn, sent an e-mail to Roger who forwarded it on to us.  This time we got a photo, so rather than tell you outright who it was, it's once again time to play "Name That Brother".

Name That Brother

In February 2009, we received a new photo from afar.  Quite a few years have passed since many of us have seen the brothers in this photo.  So it's time to play "Name That Brother".  Can you identify these brothers

Website Discovered!

John GubernatJohn Gubernat stumbled upon our website and left a message in our (since discontinued) guest book.  After 25 years in the insurance industry, he's changed careers and is now managing a small executive golf course.  He sends his regards to all.  John's name has been added to the address list.

Welcome John.  Glad you found us.

Tau Delta Phi on Wikipedia

Dave Pastore found a webpage at Wikipedia that gives a synopsis of the founding, structure, and notable alumni of Tau Delta Phi. We've added the link to our home page. Or click the Wikipedia link here. → Wikipedia Link

On a roll!

Jim RichterWithin a few days of hearing from Modesto, one of newest (relatively speaking) brothers, we move to the other end of the spectrum to hear from one of our oldest founding brothers, Jim Richter.  Jim sends his regards to all from Alabama.

Jim has been added to our address list.

Found Us!

Modesto 1980In October 2008, we heard from brother Modesto Fiume who discovered our website.  He gave us two additional names for our chapter roll -- Mark Ellerson and Bob Wortman. Modesto tells us that our last pledge class at SHU was Fall 1976.  (We aren't sure, but think that might be the Upsilon class?)  So our chapter may have lasted a bit longer than we previously thought.  And we were obviously not correct about having the complete list of brothers on our chapter roll webpage.  Perhaps there are still more to come.

Modesto and Mark have been added to our address list.
Lou T 1971 Found us!  Lou Traina stumbled across this website by accident.  He happened to google his own name and Google found this site because of his name under the 1971 photo.  Amazing!  He sends his regards from Florida to all.  Lou's been added to the Address List.

We had been trying to locate as many brothers as we could find for the November 2004 reunion.  But, who knows -- they could locate us like Lou did.  With everyone's name on the Roll page, it's possible that any brother may find us in much the same manner.  We also tried googling Tau Delta Phi and we're on the first page of 155,000 results.  We may be found this way too.

Address List

The Address List link above is password-protected so that spammers can't get to it.  If you forgot the password or never got it, send an email to the address at the bottom.  If you changed your e-mail address or would prefer that it be removed from the list, do the same.

By The Numbers

52 Brothers located and on the Address List
27 Brothers attending the November 2013 reunion -- a modern-day record.
22 Brothers attending the November 2004 reunion
15 Brothers attending the November 2005 reunion
14 Brothers attending the November 2008 reunion
13 Lucky 13?  Brothers attending both the November 2006 and November 2007 reunions
0 Those who didn't have a great time.

Send any news, photos, or other content for this website to info@tdpshu.org.